What's Your Word For 2021???
Hello Loves,
How are You? This year has really started off with a BANG! I am doing my best to not get too wrapped up in the drama of the collective and it feels a little challenging not to sometimes.
Every year I pick a word that I feel will best describe what I would like to experience and this year I chose the word EXPANSION. Then, I had a conversation with my friend Nicole who made a comment about FOCUS and how if you are focused you will expand... and it clicked.
I am feeling into this new FOCUS for 2021. My goal is to let go of any bits of procrastination and lack of structure I might be practicing and tap into my abilities to create from a clear, centered and grounded space. Trusting my Self to align with my best and highest interest in each moment. I encourage us ALL to follow what FEELS best for our Self and allow EveryOne to do the same without judgment or fear.
I have a set of TOOLS that I work with daily to help me BE focused. I notice if I don't practice them, I have a completely different experience. Mostly, I feel imbalanced, out of sorts and stuck in a loop. By working with these TOOLS I create the space to be consistent and do something new. If you are interested in practicing FOCUS in a new way, I invite you to check out my online courses at the link below.
The intention of my online courses is to help you be aware of your Self and how you truly wish to express and experience YOU. They help you to grow and evolve into the best version of YOU.
If you're ready to let go of STRESS and experience DEEP REST and know your Self on a deeper level... these courses are for You!
If you're interested in diving deeper into YOU may I suggest coming to the studio or meeting with me virtually for some 1:1 personalized healing sessions.
Let's talk about VIRTUAL SESSIONS for your TEAM at work to support you ALL in BEing CLEAR, CENTERED and GROUNDED in your daily experiences together.
Call to schedule your VIRTUAL or IN-PERSON SESSION or COMPLIMENTARY PHONE CONSULTATION today 408-398-8956!
I look forward to CONNECTING with YOU!
I Love You,