Clear and Concise Meditation
Lately... I am being guided to sit in meditation more often and remember how to be CLEAR in my asking. We all have guides, angels, the little voice in our chest that speaks to us when we ask for help, but sometimes we're not listening close enough.
For the last couple of weeks (Thanks to my friend Kaaren for sharing), I have been doing a clearing meditation every day and I am finding the specificity of the meditation to be powerful. I invite you to ask your guides or whoever / whatever you believe in to help you.
The meditation goes like this:
"Please help me. I request the following for myself in all versions on all interdimensional levels, for all energy bodies into infinity, in all concepts of time, on all subconscious, conscious and superconscious levels, throughout eternity.
Release and clear all negative thought forms and patterns not aligned with my highest path and purpose. Realign all patterns to my highest vibrational frequencies, in alignment with my Soul’s growth and evolution for this incarnation. Uphold the energies of emotional, mental and spiritual safety and security as these patterns are released and cleared in a non-dual, seamless way that is dramatic but drama-free. Release and clear all negative energies associated with these patterns at all levels of my existence.
Transmute any energies no longer serving to Divine love. Heal with golden Creator substance all points of access, closing them completely and forever, setting me free from their influence.
For the Good of all Humanity and living beings on Earth as we live and are connected throughout the Universes, I entrust this intention to be carried out with grace and joy, in all aspects of space and time.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
You are able to add in any specific requests for patterns and habits that you personally would like to let go of to make your meditation even more clear for your Self.
I have also been noticing different animals and insects that have been around me and the messages that they bring. I encourage you to pay attention to any that come into your awareness or vision as well.
If you look up the "totem" or "medicine" that the animal or insect brings you will find a plethora of information. I encourage you to find what resonates for you and allow yourself to hear the message(s).
The Praying Mantis has been brought up in conversation and has shown up in my dreams in the last week. A praying mantis also showed up in person in my friend's backyard when I was there the other day too! Animals and Insects have messages for us that allow us to dig a little deeper into our Selfs.
Praying Mantis is the name given to the insect because of the way it holds its front arms in what seems to be prayer. In Greek, the word mantis means "seer" or "prophet". It is said to represent the connection between other dimensions and work as a conduit for spiritual messages. I love that this message showed up for me to validate the request to go within more often to deepen my connection with Source and my Self to receive clear answers.
If you'd like some guidance on your journey of clearing and self discovery... I encourage you to book a private session with me to be even more CLEAR in your manifestation process and what might be limiting you. We are able to meet Virtually or In-Person.
Call to schedule your appointment today +1-408-398-8956.
You also have the opportunity to get some online support with my new ONLINE COURSE base on my book THE LITTLE BOOK OF TOOLS.
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