The Little Book of Tools

How to change the patterns we practice

By Jessica Neideffer


The Little Book of Tools is intended to provide simple ways of shifting our attitude (energy) and thoughts during our daily interactions with others and our Self into a more loving, calm, centered space. Through my work, I have found that most of us are unaware that we are living in a subtle state of "fight or flight" due to the stresses that we experience every day. We may think we are "fine", but the energy of this way of being projects out into our lives and has an effect on the Self and our environment. If we don't make time to rest and reset our systems, this way of living can manifest pain, discomfort and even disease within from the stress that the body experiences regularly. As you practice the exercises in the book, you will notice not only a difference in how your physical body feels, you will notice a change in your relationships and environment. The tools are easy to use and if practiced impeccably, they work!


The Tools


Tool # 1: Creating Safe Space in the Mind
Tool # 2: Shift your Language and Perspective
Tool # 3: Ritual & Meditation
Tool # 4: The Cutting of the Cords
Tool # 5: The Practice of BEing…Non-Attached
Tool # 6: Let Go of Unloving Feelings
Tool # 7: Awareness of the Roles We Choose
Tool # 8: Let Go of Labels and Expectations

Tool # 9: Awareness & Eradication of Self-Importance
Tool # 10: Mirror Work
Tool # 11: Write Your Way to Freedom
Tool # 12: Reintegrate Other Versions of the Self
Tool # 13: Healing with Sound
Tool # 14: BEing Grounded When Creating
Tool # 15: Cultivating Relationships and Abundance
Tool # 16: Manifest Your Dreams & Desires


Start the Healing Journey 

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An Excerpt from the Book …

Tool # 8

“Let Go of Labels and Expectations”

Finally, what if we considered letting go of all the labels and simply had experiences? What if there was no “good” or “bad” or “right” or “wrong”? It is not my intention to minimize anyone’s experience of trauma or something “bad” happening to them. I see this option as a way for humans to tell a different and more supportive story of moving forward for themselves. If we are able to be open to ALL options, we are able to release any feelings of resistance within our Self. We allow ourselves to be in a constant state of allowing. We allow others to their experience without judgment. I am not condoning the harm of others or unloving forms of behavior. I am simply saying that we have the option to focus on the action of the other or focus on our Self and how we wish to move forward in the most loving way. Even if the other person does not choose the same.



Kirkus Book Review


 “Debut author Neideffer pens a self-help book that lists 16 tools to help one become a stronger, more positive person. The author says that when she first tried the energy-healing technique known as reiki, she had life-changing visions: “My heart, now floating above me, looked like a cartoon heart…bright red, with a big, cheesy smile and angel wings. As it smiled at me, I heard a man’s voice say, ‘You are free!’ ” Shortly afterward, she upended her life to learn and practice reiki on her own; she later became a reiki master. Using what she learned, she came up with tools to help others experience the same freedom they include “Creating Safe Space In the Mind,” reframing one’s perspective on life, instituting new rituals, and cutting emotional cords with negative attachments. Many of these tips will sound generally familiar to self-help aficionados, but the author does a fair job putting her own spin on them. Other tools include becoming an observer in one’s own life; reintegrating discarded versions of one’s self; and sound healing; these are somewhat less common, and the author offers them with solid explanations and reasoning. She includes exercises to help readers use and practice each new idea, and these include keeping a tally, tackling writing prompts, and speaking to oneself in the mirror. A few of the exercises, specifically those involving meditation, seem like they might have worked better as audio tracks, as attempting to meditate while continually reading directions may leave some eager students frustrated. Also included are quotations for reflection, along with references and recommended reading in the back of the book. Self-help readers looking for something new to try will likely find a few hidden gems in this toolbox. A short and sweet self-improvement guide.”

- Kirkus Reviews


Amazon Book Review


Jessica Neideffer's well written book of tools offers powerful insights that will transform your life if you just simply open your heart and allow it. In my personal experience, Jessica’s “tools” or exercises have helped me to reframe my thoughts and allow myself to relieve the self degrading patterns I had yet to break. Like any healing tool, in order to achieve the results you desire, you must be willing to receive and remain open. I highly recommend this book to anyone with the desire to curate a more loving and whole life for themselves. ❤️