Thoughts Become Things

Hello Loves!

How are You? What was your experience of the first week of December? Is "your stuff" up for review? Maybe it is time to be aware of any stuff that might be lingering within? And by "stuff" I mean things not serving you anymore. You know, when ego rears its head and the screaming voices in the mind get louder... what might you be pointing a finger at or who might you be blaming? When "stuff" comes up we're being asked to slow down, take a breath, and observe what might be rising to the surface. What might be up for review in order to release whatever, whoever it may be from your experience?

There are a lot of things happening in the world right now that I would consider super unloving and might even label them as scary! As the world is having its experience around me, I do my best to consistently BE present with the things that feel fluid and loving within my body. I do my best to allow my Self to align with what is best for me in each moment. I realize that it may seem challenging to practice being in a loving space when our government seems to be incapable of caring for its people and humans are dying at our borders. I see how these experiences of "others" can distract us from our purpose at times. And by purpose, I mean simply being You. Caring for You. And BEing in a LOVING state as often as possible. And BEing in a LOVING state of BEing is truly how we begin to change the environment around us.

For example... I believed for a long time that in order for me to be seen and heard, I had to be angry and aggressive to "get sh*t done". I realize more and more each day that I don't have to be these things AND I can also work with the feeling of anger as fuel to ignite the fire (the light) within me to create my heart's desires. By choosing to BE aware of our internal dialogue and the beliefs our brain is carrying, we give our Self the opportunity to change our way of BEing. As we practice this new, LOVING way of BEing we allow our Self to BE an example for others. We might even invoke the idea of giving the Self permission to let go of what does not serve any longer because we remember our WORTH in the process.

As I look at the world today, it seems that the majority of people on the planet (at the moment) are living in some pretty fearful (angry) places in their minds which I believe is creating the outward experience we're having as a collective. What I have also noticed over the last few years is that as I change the way I feel and my beliefs, the people who were in on my "anger party" don't come around anymore. In addition, I don't feel the need to engage them either. Simply being positive and having positive thoughts is not enough though. In order to change things, we must act in alignment in creating a loving environment as well.

And I'm talking about changing the things that we don't "think" affect anyone because we don't "act" on them. Like when I have the urge to scream and flip off the person in traffic for driving slow in the fast lane and pacing other cars. Can you tell this might irritate me??? I feel it bubble up a little as I write it. I also find my Self challenged when things are not in "their place" because someone else put it back and not me. Therefore, my mind would say that that is "wrong" and I must feel irritated now. This is some of the "stuff" that comes up for me. What we don't remember sometimes is that we are manifesting machines and the thoughts in our head are creating our environment. I am not saying that we will never feel angry or frustrated and there is the question of how long we swim around in any unloving feelings.

I will come back to where I started... I am aware of the unloving things happening in the world today. I also know that the more I focus on what I am able to change within me, and work on solutions, I know I am able to affect the environment around me. I know we are all capable of shifting our experiences and I believe it is possible to change the world as we ALL choose to BE aware and shift our perspectives as a community into a more loving space. I encourage us all to continue BEing open and allowing the Self to see or practice something more loving in each moment. I am choosing to BE in Gratitude if I find my Self drifting into judgement or criticism. I am checking in with my intentions to BE sure they are in alignment to create a loving experience. And if I experience something unloving, I am asking my Self (first)… What is my role in this experience? And what we humans find the most challenging sometimes... Asking forgiveness or offering an apology when we are able to see our part in the exchange.

I am so GRATEFUL for each of YOU! Thank You for BEing a part of this Life... If you're not sure how to shift out of the negative or unloving thoughts in the mind I might suggest considering a Sound Healing session to support your Self in BEing Clear, Centered and Grounded as you move into new aspects of You. I might even suggest picking up a copy of my book THE LITTLE BOOK OF TOOLS that provides simple tools to work with as you shift the way you "think" things "should" be. We have the last Full Moon of the year coming up on the 12th of this month as well. A full moon represents a time to release what does not belong to us or serve us anymore. Work with this intention and ceremony to honor what is no longer necessary and let it go.

I Love You,
