Going with the Flow

Happy Saturday my Lovelies!

I share this newsletter from Seattle, Washington today… I was on the waitlist for a Tom Kenyon workshop but have not heard back yet about an opening. Although… the last two days I have been living the workshop in my mind. Simply because something doesn’t happen in the physical the way your brain thought it should does not mean it is not possible or that it’s not happening energetically in the moment. There is always another way to experience anything in this life.

While I was flying to Seattle yesterday morning, I was reading Tom Kenyon’s book The Magdalen Manuscript. The book is filled with scientific hypothesis about quantum physics, the possibilities of creating from our thoughts, and a channeled message from Mary Magdalene speaking to the effects of the power of intention in the manifestation process.

For those of you that don’t know Mr. Kenyon, he works with sound to support people in their healing process. He shares information about different breath work and meditation techniques to show you how to tap into other parts of the brain. I watched his movie Song of the New Earth on Vimeo and was captivated by his story and how he began his practice. I felt so connected to him through his experience and the similarities in how I have come to this point in my journey as well. I was really excited about being in his physical presence and also know that we are always in everyone’s presence energetically. The only difference is how each person perceives BEing in someone’s presence.

I will not lie. I did feel a little disappointment when I realized I would not be there in person today. The website did not have the address of the event listed, so I couldn’t even go and sit outside the front door or ask to go in. I actually drove to one location I thought it might be at to find out it was not the place. I researched all the spiritual centers in Seattle as well and looked up events but was not able to find any other information regarding this possibly last workshop he will hold. Yes… Definitely a feeling of disappointment moved through my mind. And at the same time, I do not feel like I am missing out.

Over the last two days, I have lived the event so vividly in my mind and felt it so viscerally in my body that I felt like I was truly there. After re-reading the message of Mary Magdalene in his book on the plane, I went into a meditation while sitting on the plane. I was in the middle seat between two older people that had their headsets on and were completely consumed by the TV shows on their phones and ipads. We did not speak the entire flight. They only made eye contact when I asked to sit in the middle seat. No words. I feel like a lot of people are so far removed from the experience of our Self with others these days… Anyways… I digress.

As I sat in this middle seat of the second row of the plane, I went into a deep space of meditation. You know, that juicy, floaty space in between awake and asleep. In this space, I was experiencing Mary Magdalene, Jesus and Tom Kenyon. In this dreamtime space, no words were necessary, and I could still hear their thoughts and feel their feelings. We were talking about working with sound to heal people and they were sharing their wisdom and ways with me. The feeling of LOVE in the interaction was so palpable the sensation of it put a smile on my physical face. I really enjoy having these experiences in broad daylight and in a crowd of people. It tells a different story to my mind about how things actually come to fruition in this physical space and time. It allows my mind to see a different perspective about meditation and how powerful it really is… the issue with our mind is that it’s usually focusing on something that doesn’t serve us.

As I stated earlier, there is always another way to experience life by changing our perspective. The actual “going with the flow” experience occurs when we let go of what the limited mind thought should happen in the first place. When we let go of expectations, we give our Self permission to BE fully present in the new experience that was not planned. For example, my plan this morning was to get up early, go to the store, and prepare breakfast for my friend that I’m staying with near Tacoma. I woke up at 6am, turned off the heater, drank a big glass of water and laid back down on the couch. I began to meditate on the workshop again and re-entered that deep space between awake and asleep. I was transported at that point into another place. This time, I was floating out in the blackness of space among the planets and stars. I could feel the energy of Mary, Jesus and Mr. Kenyon again, but do not have memory of any information being exchanged. It was like we were old friends coming back together to simply be in the presence of one another. It was divine.

As I sit here in a café re-living the visual experience in my mind, while writing this newsletter, I am also appreciating the customer interactions with the barista as she sings along intermittently with the music on the radio. I am most in love with her for inviting a homeless person in to charge his phone and have a coffee. She commented that she hadn’t seen him for a couple weeks and continued to inquire how he had been. I also love that the neighbors came in and spontaneously announced they are getting married. I am enjoying all of this and still imagining the possibility of attending the workshop in person tomorrow. I am also BEing open to the other possibilities (synchronicities) surrounding me in the ethers. We are never somewhere we’re not supposed to be… Every moment is intentional whether it is conscious or unconscious. As humans begin to take more responsibility for their thoughts and actions, we begin to see how powerful we are when it comes to changing our environment. I am so grateful to have this awareness during this time in life.

So… What are you GRATEFUL for today and how can you stay in the flow… even if your plans changed unexpectedly?

And… If you’re not able to find Gratitude in the moment and are not sure how to, then connect with me here for a complimentary phone consultation to see how sound healing can support You!


Jessica Neideffer