Transmuting Your Pain into Power... and More!

Hello my Loves!!!

How are YOU? I am soooooo ready to receive ALL that this New Year has to offer! It has been very Abundant already! Many new connections, more seeds being planted and now the opportunity to see them grow... I am always in AWE of the Universe and its Knowing. I am also Grateful that I have Free Will and I am able to follow and Trust my Heart :)

As we move into February, we get closer to Spring and longer days. Oh how I LOVE that Sunshine! But, remember, this month is still a time of Hibernation, Introspection and Reflection. 


As we move through the seasons we work with the energy and intention of each to cultivate our natural ability to evolve and be re-born each day. Just like when we enter a sweat lodge like the one in the picture above. We enter the womb of Mother Earth to leave our former ways of BEing and we emerge rebirthed and clear of energies no longer serving us (i.e. anger, frustration, sadness, etc). The sweat lodge is a sacred ceremony of purification and re-commitment to the Self. I am so ready to return to this sacred ceremony in Mexico at our 5th Annual Power Journey where we continue this deep exploration within as a collective. Find more information HERE!

In the meantime, I suggest making time to Rest and Reset your Mind, Body and Energy. You can do this by making time to meditate. And if you believe you don't know how to meditate, then I will remind you that meditation is simply being aware of your thoughts. Meditation gives us the opportunity to change our thoughts if we become aware that they are unloving. As we clear any unloving thoughts, we give our Self the opportunity to hear clearly what our higher Self has been attempting to share with us all along... that WE are Worthy, Loveable, Approved of and Accepted, exactly as we are!

As we continue to grow and process as a collective, I invite you to join our group Sound Healing sessions throughout the month or schedule a private, focused session at my office to heal on a deeper level. I have supported thousands of people since 2007 on their healing journey. I have supported people in changing their lives by sharing simple ways of shifting their perspective and energy. You can read about these simple ways in my book, THE LITTLE BOOK OF TOOLS. All the practices I share with others are what I practice every day to continue BEing a clear and perfect channel of love and healing energy. As we consistently clear ourselves of negative or unloving thoughts, feelings and beliefs, we give each other permission to BE healed on ALL levels. 

These TOOLS practiced on our own, plus receiving Sound Healing and doing Energy Clearing allow us to shift the patterns that our brains practice daily. As we formed "bad" habits through repetition, we know that we are able to practice and create new, loving habits that will change our environment from the inside, out! 

And to continue supporting the commUnity, I am offering a series of workshops at Samadhi Yoga beginning this Monday, February 3rd at 7pm. This first workshop is FREE and open to the public. I will be co-hosting with the owner of the studio, Cheryl Robledo, who is a very gifted Energy Worker as well. The intention of the workshop series is Transmuting Your Pain into Power. We will work with a different theme each week and get comfortable looking into the shadow aspects of our Self. Remembering that we don't have to hide anything as we create a safe space to let go of what is limiting us from BEing in our full potential. 

I look forward to BEing there with YOU! Let's ignite that light within Together as we grow and evolve into the best version of our Self!

And for those of you who joined us at A Center for Natural Healing for our "Yoga and Acupuncture with Sound Healing" Integration Workshop, Dr. Setareh Moafi and I will be hosting another workshop on March 8th from 4-6pm! 

All of our guests had wonderful feedback and shared that they were able to feel the sounds and vibrations of the crystal singing bowls more tangibly with the acupuncture needles placed on their body. 

I love sharing this powerful medicine with Intention and Integrity... Please connect HERE to reserve your spot soon. The session sold out this last month!

I look forward to seeing YOU soon!

