
Hello and Happy July my Lovelies!!!

What have you been feeling these last couple of weeks? The Universe has been cooking up a storm with this last full moon and eclipse season!

For me personally, I have noticed a clear shift in my energy in the way of confidence and allowing my Self to "NOT GIVE A F*CK" about certain things and let go of people and experiences without multiple conversations in my head as to why I should hang on or "try" to make things work.

Now, I don't mean this in a malicious or uncaring way... I simply mean to say that what other people think of me is none of my business. And if I find my Self putting attention to the outer world, then I can know without a doubt that I am not honoring what I truly desire to experience for my Self.

As I feel more confident and let go, I am finding that I am motivated to go into action, create and share more... hence writing this newsletter and posting my second podcast episode today (CLICK HERE TO LISTEN). I am a very social and extroverted person and it is also necessary for me to BE by my Self and recharge my batteries. Although, the last couple weeks of practicing this letting go and allowing process has brought up feelings of loneliness and unlovable. It has brought up the feeling of "will this ever be over???" story. This obviously does not feel "good" in my body, however, the only way to truly release something is to sit with it and the feelings and fully welcome them.

So, that's what I've been doing. Sometimes that looks like a dance party with the dogs in my hOMe, alone. Sometimes that looks like being intimate with my Self. Sometimes that looks like me screaming at the top of my lungs in the car on the freeway. Sometimes it's having a heart-to-heart with my Self in the mirror. And other times, it looks like me crying the hard, ugly cry and staying in bed all day.


It is important to listen to what our BEing is asking for in each moment and not just go through the motions or claim "I'm over it!". These actions do NOT allow us to fully process what is coming up... they only shove it deeper into the unconscious stream of dialogue in the mind. And this is how we continue to get stuck in the loop of old patterns and feel unable to create what we truly desire here in the physical.

I Love You,
