The Power of Patience


The story of impatience was brought to my attention this week and it got me pondering what role it plays in my experience and how I might be able to do something different. The first thing that came to me was the inner child that we ALL are living and acting through at times. The image that came to mind was of me dragging my two-year old self down the street screaming. We got to where we were going, but it did not feel like the most loving way to get there. I imagine if I took a moment to acknowledge the feeling, welcome it and work with my breath to let it go and ground, I would not have to drag my Self in order to communicate or get something accomplished from a loving place.

When we are able to practice this chosen moment of self-awareness, I feel it allows us the opportunity to speak to the mind. It allows us to BE aware of what the screaming voices are saying in there. Do they seem reasonable? And when I listen to those voices, how is my body feeling? We can work with these clues to show us where we’re at energetically so that when we respond, we are coming from the most loving place, or patience in this case. I believe that when we’re able to change our internal dialogue to something more positive, we are able to shift our focus and allow our Self to enter another state of being like Gratitude for the moment of awareness. I am always able to find something to be grateful for in any situation, so I usually work with this state.

As we practice BEing Patience, I see us letting go of the Self and the belief that something has to be done immediately or in the time that our mind thinks it should be completed. Sometimes when we’re being asked to practice patience, it is an opportunity to listen more consciously to our Self and others. It is an opportunity to feel into the energy behind what someone else is sharing verbally. Maybe even seeing the opportunity to ask more questions to gain a better understanding? As we choose to be patient with our Self and others, we also give ourselves the opportunity for things to be OK in that moment. The experience may not be anything like we imagined, and we may be feeling hurt, and we can choose to allow the moment to be as it is. It is not right or wrong, it simply is. If it doesn’t resonate, it also gives us the opportunity to clearly communicate how we’re feeling and how we choose to move forward.

As we choose to be in a more loving space more of the time through this process, we also offer ourselves the possibility to manifest more from our HEART. And if what we project is what we attract (conscious or unconscious) then I imagine if I’m coming from a fearless heart space, I will attract the same. As we choose to BE Joyful and Content with where we’re at right now, we open energetic doors that hold what we seek. I am not saying to be “content” in an abusive relationship or allowing someone to take advantage. I am saying, allow your Self to process through it, see clearly how you feel, and be ok with the process as you move forward in a different way than usual. In doing so, you are able to change the pattern of impatience by practicing the opposite, even though impatience may feel comfortable at first. I assure you it is simply the pattern that your brain is practicing and can be changed by doing something different and impeccably changing your thoughts in the moment. 

I wish You all the best as you prepare for a new day and new opportunities to BE/DO something different! I encourage you to check in with your thoughts throughout your day to see what you might be putting out there. It just might be what you get back. If you're not sure how to do this, I highly recommend picking up a copy of my book The Little Book of Tools and/or coming in for a private or group Sound Healing Session. I look forward to connecting with YOU!


Jessica Neideffer