Meet Me Where I’m At...


Happy Friday my Loves! How are You feeling? Are you happy it’s Friday because your work week sucked and you’re glad it’s over? Or are you simply happy to be able to enjoy another day in this Life? Possibly Both?

Since I left my last corporate 9-5 job three years ago, I have noticed that I don’t know when it is a Friday or a Monday half the time anymore. I know this also has to do with the energetic work that I do daily where I am in spaces in the mind that have no concept of this thing we call “time”. It feels strange, but the more I allow my Self to move fluidly without concern for “time”, I am able to feel even more grounded and trust in my experience. This is not to say that setting goals in order to accomplish what I desire is not helpful. I simply do my best not to stress about things not happening when my limited mind thinks they should!

This last week has been filled with interesting opportunities to consider “time” and how much “time” it might take for a person (including my Self) to do something or consider something different than their “usual”. The words that have kept coming to me over-and-over in these moments are, “Meet me where I’m at”. When I heard the words in my head the first time this week, I felt an immediate response in my body. My brain was screaming, “No! This should be happening this way” and in the same moment my body let go. Meaning I experienced my whole body relax even though my mind was running. I was actually taken a back by it because the feeling was so profound within me. I sat in it and really allowed my Self to experience the peace within my body. This experience got my mind moving into other thoughts that allowed me to see a bigger picture and my role in it.

How much time does it take to remember I am healed already? How much time “should” it take another person to be where I desire them to be in their awareness? And, if I have any expectation of someone doing something in the time that I do, but they’re not able, “should” I feel disappointed? Oh… and then I remember that “expectation” leads to disappointment every time. My mind really wanted to rationalize why things “should” be done a certain way and in a certain amount of “time”. As all the screaming voices in my head were “trying” to pull me from this peaceful space I had landed, I chose to ground my Self into the peace even more by focusing all my attention on the feeling in my body. I wanted to be very present in it so that I would be able to work with the moment of awareness with others and myself later.

Since February of this year, I have expanded my healing practice into new communities. I have been working with a group of inmates on a furlow program at the Re-entry office (soon to bring sound healing into the prison facility itself in August) and a group of young adults that have been commercially exploited and sexually trafficked. To say that these people have experienced trauma in their life is an understatement. To say that the patterns and behaviors they practice are ingrained is also an understatement. Then again… I could say the same for my “normal” everyday clients as well. What I am noticing lately is that I am able to be completely non-attached to what they’re experiencing and sharing with me in these healing sessions. I have compassion for each person and connect, but the urge to correct has turned into the urge to truly meet the person where they’re at in the moment! To simply be present with them and hold the space. To listen without judgment. I talk about this practice of being non-attached in my book The Little Book of Tools and have been practicing it for years, but it seems different these last few months, somehow easier with Everyone. And, I attribute it to these new communities sharing their stories and resilience with me. I am honored to be a part of the process of remembering our light within.

The acceptance of my role as a facilitator, channel and guide in this life is easy for me. What has been challenging in the past was the “belief” that I needed to “control” an experience. Meaning, if someone wasn’t where I “thought” they “should” be on their journey I felt the need to say something. I have caught myself doing this with family, friends, clients and partners alike. It feels challenging at times to not say something when you’re able to see the potential and feel into a person’s energetic field. When you see the bigger picture and know what is possible, but it is not your place to say. These moments have left me feeling frustrated and helpless at times. Especially with the people closest to me because we have history and sometimes think that they “should know better” or be able to read our mind somehow. Although, these behaviors don’t feel “good” in my body, I am grateful for this awareness of the patterns I have practiced that allow me to BE more present with my Self and others moving forward. I am grateful that life provides me these opportunities to meet my Self where I’m at without judgment too. They help me remember that we are ALL exactly where we’re supposed to BE in each moment and for however long we choose to be there.

I will remind YOU (me) NOW that WE are NOT our behaviors or the patterns we practice. I encourage you to consider how you are able to truly meet someone where they’re at in the moment. Whether it be your child, partner, friend or otherwise. I encourage you to really listen to the feelings behind the words escaping your mouth or the mouth of another. Pay attention to how your body feels as you are sharing information and an experience. As you become more aware of YOU and your energy (attitude), it will be easier to navigate any interaction, with any One with Compassion and Unconditional Love.

I Love You and look forward to connecting with You exactly where you’re at! I also welcome You to connect with any questions and to schedule your private healing session today 408-389-8956!

Jessica Neideffer