
Hello Beautiful Souls!!!

How are YOU? What has your week been like? Mine has been quite (en)lightening as I witness my Self with others interweaving and creating new stories!

I have been experiencing a different feeling within my Self lately. Not better or worse, simply something different. As I've shared in previous emails, rolling waves of depression, grief and loneliness were moving through me the last few months and I am now understanding why. What I've realized in the last couple weeks is that these feelings had been buried for a long time and because they were there for so long, they required a bit more time to release. These feelings are not something people would label me as, nor would I say this about myself, but the movement of these feelings was quite intense and left me feeling completely debilitated at times. I felt like there was nothing I could do to change it and this was challenging for me. You see, I am usually able to envision the bigger picture and I'm able to focus my attention there. During this time period, I did not feel able to look past the door of my bedroom. I continued to function at minimum capacity and kept reminding my Self that everything is ok and that whatever this was, it was up for letting go. To say that the word SURRENDER is something challenging for me is an understatement, but this is what I was being asked to do. 

As I began to see clearly once again... Meaning... As I became aware of my energy (attitude) towards certain people and things in my life, and I consciously chose to change my perception, my vision returned. The ability to focus returned with a new feeling of possibility, instead of feeling incapable of change. A couple of weeks ago, I went to have some energy work done on me with a friend that seems to be in the same energetic space as me. We are finding that we are moving through similar situations in our own way. I LOVE the mirror that we are for each other... When I got to her office, she mentioned about her experience and that as of a few days before, she felt like she had been released from the "rolling waves" and felt like she had passed through to the other side of the challenge. Once my brain heard this information out loud, from this other person, it seemed a light switch had been flipped on. I felt even more clear and confident that the process I was in was shifting into the next phase. 

After this opening, I had a couple more (en)lightening conversations with a few other people in my life, including my financial advisor. He is never judgmental. He is so supportive and always has the most helpful ideas to share. In addition, I had some lovely new people enter my life and they have been great sources of motivation for me as I learn about them, their successes, and how I might be able to move forward in the most beneficial way. Surrender, Allowing and Re-direction of my Attention have been much more easy to accept as I choose to Act in Alignment with my Intentions and what I am manifesting consciously now. 

Clarity or clear vision seemed unattainable for me for a while. This had to do with me telling the story of "I want to see clearly" instead of "I see clearly" for many years. As I began working with "I see clearly" to tell my story, it became easier to accept what I was seeing. However, it also made me feel like I was faking it at times because my brain still wasn't quite on board with the way I see clearly, which is more of a feeling instead of a vision depending on the experience. This reminds me that there will always be wonderfilled surprises in this life. And Thank goodness for them! Even though the surprises don't seem "good" all the time, each one offers a lesson and an opportunity to change a belief and re-direct our Self. Remembering that taking a chance, even though we may not be completely sure at first, is how we advance in our evolution. I also have TOOLS to work with that make it easier to pass through the challenges. And, really we're simply being asked to make decisions and move forward with them. Some resonate, some do not, but if we never take the chance, we might wonder "what if?" the rest of our lives.

I am personally remembering to not take myself so seriously and to enjoy what I am attracting into my experience in each moment. I remember there is no "right" or "wrong" and that BEing discerning is Awesome as well as allowing my Self to FEEL the goodness of what is. For me, God (Source Energy) is not some judgmental, old, white dude up in the clouds. For me, the Energy that we ALL come from is LOVE and LIGHT and IT wishes for US to see ourselves this way. I believe IT is constantly conspiring with US to manifest our desires into the physical world.

The question is... Where is your energy focused?

Wishing You and Fabulous Weekend filled with LOVE and LIGHT!

Join me on Facebook, every Monday at 1230pm, for a live broadcast of me reading a chapter from my new book "The Little Book of Tools"! 

If you haven't gotten yours yet, you can order at the link below :)


Jessica Neideffer