
Hello Beautiful Beings! Welcome to the second half of the Year!

I am Super Excited to see what new adventures the month of July holds for Us! Already, I have experienced some really loving connections with new people and friends from the past. I have noticed that all the people entering my awareness have specific messages for me. I see clearly the Universe bringing the perfect people and experiences around at the perfect moment to support me in moving forward into my Dreams of a more loving Humanity. I feel all the possibilities swirling around me and I am doing my best to simply BE present and let go of the urge to analyze any part of it.

And, I don't know about You, but I have also felt tested these last few months to trust what is happening even when it doesn't feel so fluid within me. The biggest message I have been receiving is one of BIG MOVEMENT. The challenge for me with this message is my mind "trying" to figure out what the movement looks like... At times my mind feels lost or confused because it doesn't have the exact picture of what is being created behind the scenes before it arrives in the physical. I know when I am feeling this way, it is encouragement to let go of what I "think" should be happening in my limited mind. It is encouragement to ALLOW what is best to occur while continuing to make a conscious effort to create and BE creative.

The last few months have presented major challenges that provided me huge opportunities for growth and clear vision. The clear vision being of my Self and the patterns that I have been practicing. I see July as a the time of forward movement, whatever that looks like. Forward movement into ACTION in ALIGNMENT with the dreams and ideas in my Heart. The mind is a powerful tool for the visual creation and I remember that it is most beneficial to FEEL my way through the creative collaboration with the Universe. 

I am reminded that the Universe, Source Energy, God (Whatever it is for You) responds to the Vibration of how we are feeling about ourselves and the thoughts in our head. Are these thoughts Loving, or not? Am I speaking of my Self lovingly, or not? Am I focused on the "negative" or the "positive" experiences? Am I focused on the outside and others, or my Self and my behavior? The more aware of my Self I am able to be, the more opportunity I have to CHOOSE to BE in a more loving space. And, as I choose to be in this more loving energy, the more I attract loving people and experiences. And, sometimes as we shift our vibration or awareness (at times uncomfortable) we are able to see when it is time to let people go from our experience so that we may move forward without attachment. 

Wherever you're at in this moment, I encourage you to EMBRACE every bit of it! Embrace any discomfort (i.e. anger, frustration, judgment) you might be feeling so that you are able to release all resistance within You. When we ALLOW ourselves to BE OPEN to ALL OPTIONS we send the vibration of ACCEPTANCE out into the Universe and invite the same in.

If you're interested in knowing more about how to BE more ALIGNED, CENTERED AND GROUNDED throughout your day, connect with me for a Complimentary Call to see where you're at and how I might be of service to You 408-398-8956. 

I look forward to hearing from YOU!

Jessica Neideffer