Changing the Patterns We Practice


Hello Beautiful Souls!!!

Welcome to the month of May! Almost half way through the year... Imagine, next year is 2020 already and an election year again!

How will we do things different than we did 4 years ago???

I imagine that we are all working at being more aware of our Self and how we're feeling (not thinking). I imagine the more aware we CHOOSE to BE of our unconscious thoughts, the easier it is to see how best to move forward in Life. When we consciously tap in and connect with how we FEEL (instead of analyzing the shit out of everything) the more in tune with our Environment we are able to become. 

What I have been seeing and experiencing the last couple months has felt a little "strange" and I put strange in quotations because it simply means it's different than what I am accustomed to... Meaning, for me, the practice of BEing Non-Attached has really come into play in my daily interactions. Meaning, things that would have had me stewing over for hours, sometimes days, have become fleeting. The practice of not taking things personal is more and more accessible in my mind lately as well.

You know, we are all simply practicing patterns in our daily lives. The moment we are able to BE aware that we are practicing something that doesn't feel "good" inside or doesn't resonate within, we give our Self the opportunity to stop and breathe (which most of us forget to do during our day) and the space to ask WHY... 

Why do we continue to do things and spend time with people that do not uplift us? 

Why do we continue to listen to the "screaming voices" in our head that tell us we will never be "good enough"?

Why do we CHOOSE to take things personal and allow our Self to be attached to what others think or the experiences we have?

The patterns that we practice come from beliefs that were shared with us and that we adopted as our own. At times we are not aware that some of these patterns are no longer serving us. It is important on this journey for us to have TOOLS that allow us to first become aware of the pattern and then how to practice something different. 

Not "better" or "worse", simply something different. Letting go of these types of labels is helpful in the transformational process as well :)

Since I have been challenged and will continue to experience challenges in life, I decided to write a book to share my perspective of how to change these patterns. The book was published today and is available for purchase. I imagine you will benefit greatly if you choose to practice the exercises in the book. 

You can get your copy by CLICKING HERE!

Jessica Neideffer