
See you later, March! Hello Spring! Hello Month of April! Mexico here we come!

I don't know about Y'all, but I feel like the world is spinning faster than usual and seems a bit challenging to keep up with everything. I feel like I am being asked to make decisions and move quickly into what feels best, letting go of the belief that the unknown is scary. Within the last few months and the experiences I've had... I now remember that the unknown is actually where the magic happens :)

Lately, the vision I continue to ground into is one of me standing in the eye of a storm. I see myself standing in the middle of the tornado, like in The Wizard of Oz when Dorothy sees the cows and cars swirling around her in the air. I see and feel everything spinning, but I am so grounded and centered in the middle that I am not affected by the chaos surrounding me. I keep reminding myself of this vision and the feeling of groundedness as I move into new communities and reach out to others. I know that my responsibility is to focus on the outcome and allow the Universe to take care of the How. As the Universe is taking care of the How, I am acting in alignment with whatever the desire may be. I am also doing my best to stay in a state of allowing so that I am not projecting any resistance out into the environment. 

In the last few months, while planning two retreats in Mexico, one of my housemates moved out unexpectedly, which then led me to begin a search to find a new person to share our space. There has also been the focus on finishing the editing of my book and getting it published. On top of this, there is my private practice and business to continue cultivating and my desire to be in a community space again. This desire has led to an opening at the office that I worked at before my current place, which led me to turn in my 30 day notice today and make the decision to move back to Chiropractic from the Heart to work with my dear friend Jeana Edwards. And let's not forget about my desire to work with staff and the people living in our prisons. The experience of government process over the last year and the speed at which things happen has led me to spend lots of time sending emails and introducing myself to as many people as possible to achieve my goals. And with all of that, it is important to remember to make time to have a life and get some rest as we do our best to follow the synchronicities surrounding us.

Sometimes the juggling act of life seems impossible, but I remember that each day I get the opportunity to create and experience something new. Sometimes that something new doesn't feel so "good" at first, but when I truly let go of "trying" to make it a certain way, something even more magical appears. I realize that my life is this place of synchronistic events and meetings of each person that comes along to support me in my mission. When something does not go the way I thought it should in the limited mind, the reaction I might have had before to get angry or feel sad is more of a "blip" on the radar, instead of a "BLIMP" now! Life has it's twists and turns. I am moving into a lot of unknowns at the moment and have been for a while. Each day I make a point of caring for myself and reaching out to others to help. The practice of vulnerability is not one I enjoyed in the past. I find it easier to navigate and live in now that I understand it is a strength. Some days that old pattern creeps back in, but now I choose to see it as a lovely gift that shows me what I'm working on inside. It gives me the opportunity to do something different.

So, how do you wish to show up in each moment? Do you feel the desire to do something different, but are not sure how to begin changing the behavior you're practicing? And if you could change something, what would it be? Start asking your Self questions that will get the brain to consider a new way. Check in during your interactions with others to be sure you are directing the mind and not the other way around. I guarantee if you begin by simply being aware of the thoughts in your head randomly throughout your day, you will begin to see a pattern and you will give your Self an opportunity to change, if you feel it would benefit.

As always, I am here to support YOU on your journey, at your own pace. When you're ready to really look deep inside at your Self and make some changes, I am here. When you're ready to allow your Self to experience Deep Rest, I am here. When you're ready to accept the truth that you are worthy of your health, I am here. The road of Self discovery is not meant to be lonely. It is meant to be traveled with others. As a community, we are able to accomplish so much more. As a community, we are able to rest, knowing that someone has our back and is there to support us.

I encourage YOU to reach out and allow your Sefl to BE vulnerable with yourself and others. I encourage YOU to BE in your power as you create your heaven on Earth, individually and as a collective.

Jessica Neideffer