
Do you ever ponder the fact that there are over 7 billion people on the planet at the moment? And as I am writing this, even more are being born into the world. Have you ever thought about the many ways to see and experience life and how each one of us 7 billion (and counting) have their own unique way of expressing themselves in each experience? And, if we consider that each person has many perspectives on every thing, and our perspective is what we know to be true, I can see how it may seem impossible for anyone to find common ground. Another thing I wonder about is why we choose to take on the perspective of another person, when we have our own already?

In the last 12 years of my life I have actively asked the Universe to send me teachers, mentors and people of similar mindset to support me in remembering who I truly am and why I am here. I longed to have conversations about energy and how sound is this amazing instrument for healing. Many people have entered my life since I consciously started asking for new connections to appear. Everyone has left an impression and only a handful I consider close. This is not to say I am not an open book with everyone I meet. I find it helpful when building trust and a real bond with someone. I enjoy sharing stories and that allow others to consider something different, which may assist them in having a new experience.

As we ask for new people (perspectives) to show up, they bring with them these new ideas that provide the opportunity for us to shift and sometimes they shift us in a way we might not have been anticipating. These new ideas work as catalysts to open us to the possibilities that it may be beneficial at times to change our perspective because it feels more in alignment with our Self. Remember, we are continuously shifting our energy on a daily basis as we interact with others. Your perspective may change again later and that’s ok. I believe it is helpful to allow ourselves to be ok with the changes as well.

For example, when I feel called to attend a workshop or listen to a speaker, it’s not always because their ideas are new to me. I find that when I go, I hear something I already knew to be true in a different way. As I work with more and more people in my practice every week, I realize that we all hear very differently. So, I see the value in allowing my Self to listen to others share in their unique way so that I may speak in a manner that allows me to be heard by many. I find it beneficial as we grow and evolve that we allow ourselves to see how others have already moved through similar experiences so that we don’t have to make as many mistakes on the road to our goals as well.

Are there some perspectives in your mind that could be changed? Are you tapping into how the perspectives you carry might not be your truth anymore? Maybe the comradery at a workshop is what you’re truly desiring? All options are correct. I am finding that the further along the path of growth I get, the less I feel the need to attend as many workshops for learning my craft and more for the connection with others of the same mindset. I also appreciate how the power in numbers supports us in manifesting our dreams on a larger scale and more rapidly. What do we do when we want to create something? We think about it in the mind. We have a vision of what it looks and feels like. We share our vision with others and then we create it in our physical world. These are all things to consider as the creators that we all are.

I encourage everyone to write down their perspectives and dreams as they appear in the mind to see clearly how they wish to move forward. To see clearly how their perspectives and thoughts may be limiting them at times because ego would have them believe that they already “know”. Be open to others and what they have to share. Especially when it feels uncomfortable within… You just might find something worth shifting.

Not quite sure how to shift? Are you willing to consider something different? Check out my new book The Little Book of Tools and get your copy today!


Jessica Neideffer