
Hello Loves! Happy Friday!

I am feeling more Balanced and Focused since my unexpected adventures in the hospital last month! It is nice to be back on my schedule with this Weekly News Update and live readings of my book on Facebook at 12:30pm on Mondays. I love connecting with Everyone there and sharing Lunchtime with The Little Book of Tools.

This week has been full of opportunities to let go of the pattern or habit of settling in my relationships. I have had some interesting interactions with people who I imagined I'd be working with closely and realized that we were not really in alignment the more we spoke and shared ideas. Nothing wrong in any of these interactions, it was a simple and very clear re-direction because it was not what I truly desired in my heart. There is no need to "force" ourselves to work with others if we begin to feel like it's not a match. The same goes for our intimate relationships. If things are challenging every time you attempt to connect and be together, or if one person is doing all the reaching out, then we might want to be aware of any imbalance within. Notice I said "within"... It starts within each of us. I could see the interactions I was having was guiding me to BE aware that I was "trying" to make things work, instead of listening and allowing my Self to simply be in the flow. 

So, what does it mean to be in the Flow? For me, it means that I am listening to my body when I am having experiences with other people. If I feel my heart rate rise or my guts start to churn, I can know that I am in an unloving space emotionally or energetically. These symptoms that the body will create are directly related to what we're feeling in the moment and sometimes years later they manifest into something more challenging when not acknowledged. I am finding that the more I make decisions based on how I am feeling, instead of thinking of how I can "make it better" when there really isn't "better", simply different.

I am fascinated to observe my Self when I am having these realizations. I am encouraged each time I have an opportunity to process a little bit more of what no longer serves me with awareness. These are where the TOOLS come in! I am so grateful that simple adjustments to my perspective and attitude (energy) can create profound changes to my environment and relationships. When we consciously choose who we surround ourselves with and how we choose to share our energy from the heart more often, we experience life with more fluidity. For me, when things don't resonate or aren't in alignment, my mind is the first thing that starts screaming. Sometimes, I get caught up in those voices in my head for a bit and that's when my gut will chime in as well. It's like a chain reaction and the body responds by sharing what is still lurking in the shadows behind the pain. When I was in the hospital, the most painful moments were also some of the most clear because I was focused on not being in the pain itself. Our minds are sooooo powerful! Check in to see what you're focusing on during your day to be aware if you drift into an unloving space. 

Tomorrow (Saturday), at Chiropractic from the Heart (my new office space since May), we will host our Grand Re-Opening from 10-am-4pm. Come meet the Team! We will have light refreshments and snacks. I will be performing mini sound healing sessions in our state of the art relaxation room. We will have a raffle and I will be selling and signing copies of my book! We would LOVE to have YOU join Us :)

300 South 11th Street, San Jose, CA 95112

I look forward to seeing YOU soon!And if you haven't checked it out already... My new website is up and running. I am still making some adjustments, but am really in love with it!!!

Jessica Neideffer