Asking for Help


Hello Beautiful Souls! How are YOU?

This week has been about BEing Aware of asking for help and helping my Self by BEing more Observant of other people's behaviors. I have chosen to learn a lot of things in life the hard way. Each year that passes, I am realizing that I am able to learn from other people's uncomfortable experiences and not go through the pain personally. We don't always have to experience something firsthand in order to get the lesson. I so appreciate the space of the Observer for Clarity of Vision and how to move forward in the most Loving way. You can learn more about the view of the Observer in my book The Little Book of Tools :)

I have spoken about vulnerability and how powerful it is as a catalyst in allowing our Self and others to be in their Power. I feel like being vulnerable not only gives our Self permission to be in that energetic space, but it also allows other people to consider it for themselves. And when we are all able to see and honor this power within each other, I believe we are able to let go of the idea of "others" and see Us as a whole or the ONE. 

Everything to this point in my experience has happened perfectly and allowed me to be who I am today. Lately, asking for help has been coming up for me to remember that I don't have to do everything on my own and that I am not alone. I do not believe that any of Us enjoys being in solitude all the time. Imagine how quickly we could manifest world peace if Us as a collective focused our attention and intention on this purpose... We are so adept at being in the fearful places in the mind that we get swept up in the programming or the pattern that our brain is practicing. We must get out of "autopilot" and invite Awareness as the new habit we practice in order for our environment to change.

As I write this, I realize not everyone signed up for the same enlightenment tour... It seems that some of Us signed up for some really challenging lessons that they will seemingly "never" learn from on their own, but as a collective, there is possibility of Everyone knowing what healed is for their Self. We are able to support everyone on their journey by shifting our perspective and changing our thoughts to be a loving example. Not for anyone but our Self and if we're all One, then we have already planted the seed for everyone to consider something different and maybe even more loving :)

So, what is it that seems hard for you to ask for help or support with? Are you able to be aware of where that belief comes from? What age were you when you became aware of this belief or saw someone else practicing it? 

When I become aware of the connection or when a behavior of mine began, I do a meditation where I see this younger version of my Self and have a conversation with them. I see Us in my mind's eye and create a safe space to BE together and share information. I listen and imagine what this younger version of me would say and then I share all the Amazing things in our life to that point. I remind her that everything is ok and I tell her that I love her sooooo much. Then, I invite her home into my heart and feel her there again. TOOL #12 in my book provides more guidance in the process.

I send YOU all the best in each moment and wish US ALL the SUCCESS in manifesting the experiences we desire from the Heart, or not. Remembering there is no "right" or "wrong", only experience. Is it fluid in the body, or not? Suffering is a choice and we ALL have the ability to choose a different way of BEing. 

If you're not quite sure how to change your habits, or have been "trying" for years without the results you desire, I am here for you. Connect with me to schedule your session 408-398-8956 or 

I look forward to hearing from YOU!

Check out my new website for Personal Growth and Healing Practices!

Jessica Neideffer