NEW Website and Healing Services!


Hello You Beautiful Humans!!!

What has come up for You this week? What or Who has seemed most challenging this week and Why?

For me personally, it was about self-importance. This week, my brain was telling the story that I had to be annoyed by "other people" and their perspective or way of handling an experience. I was reminded quite a few times that my way is not the "only" way, nor is it the "right" way, it is simply different. Through these experiences, I am also reminded of patience and what the embodiment of that looks and feels like. This patience is for my Self (first) so that I am able to project that same energy out into the atmosphere. Patience allows me to step outside of my thoughts and Observe them when my physical body starts giving me clues (symptoms) that I may be practicing something unloving. These clues give me the opportunity to see clearly how my energy (attitude) may be eliciting the uncomfortable situation. You can learn more about The Observer and letting go of self-importance in my new book The Little Book of Tools... 

Tool #5 and #9 are a good place to start :)

The other thing that has come up for me during my observations was that I was allowing my Self to get carried away in the thoughts in my head... I was getting all caught up in the story of how "annoyed" I was that I began pointing my finger and blaming others for the discomfort or loss of my time in the interaction. All of this was happening in my mind as I was participating in the interaction. 

What we humans forget to do during these uncomfortable interactions sometimes is to check in with where we're coming from when we begin to verbalize the discomfort we are feeling. Yes. We will feel angry, frustrated and sad at times. We also have a choice in how we communicate these feelings and how long we stay in them. One of my teachers used to tell us to work with "death" as our adviser. He would ask us about the experience. We would share our "struggle" and then he would ask, "Are you dead yet?" The answer was "no" and then he would say, "Well, I guess it's not that "bad" then". 

Now, this is not to make light of a traumatic experience. At the same time, we are also given the opportunity to see clearly that we have the ability to move forward and do something different. To see how any experience has the potential to be EMPOWERING, or not. Patience and Observation within our Self allow us to BE proactive in how we experience something or someone.

So, stepping outside of my Self and feeling into the experiences I was choosing... This is my practice to BE Aware. To BE in a more Loving Space. Each moment is an opportunity for me to redirect my focus (tell the brain to shut the f*ck up) and choose what LOVE would do. Healthy Boundaries are part of loving your Self as well. Remembering that it is possible to BE direct while coming from the Heart... this is loving your Self too :)

Thank You for tuning in with me this week! I invite you to check out my new website and connect with the services that resonate with YOU!

For returning clients, please be aware that I am offering packages for my services now and only the initial consultation for new clients can be purchased as a single session.

Group sessions continue to be offered at Be the Change Yoga and Samadhi Yoga :)

I look forward to seeing YOU soon!

Jessica Neideffer