Letting Go of What No Longer Serves


Saturday Afternoon Delight!

Hello my Lovelies!

I imagine your weekend has started off Beautifully with the Sun shining and the Flowers blooming! When I'm out and about I enjoy taking pictures of flowers and sending them in text messages to friends to make them smile. I am going to start sharing them here in my weekly updates to brighten your day as well!

What has this week been about for You? What have you been feeling in your physical body? What thoughts have been going through your mind?

When we CHOOSE to have AWARENESS of these things, we give our SELF the OPPORTUNITY to have a different PERSPECTIVE of something we might experience on a daily basis. When we allow our SELF to SEE or IMAGINE something different, we are able to SHIFT or CHANGE our ENVIRONMENT and EXPERIENCE. 

For example... I woke up yesterday morning feeling like Eeyore, the donkey from Winnie the Pooh. I felt like I had my own personal rain cloud floating over my head as I emerged from my sleep. I felt a wave of sadness and depression flow through me. I also had a bunch of judgmental thoughts screaming at me in my mind. I laid there in my bed and witnessed it all coming up in my body. I felt heavy and like the energy had been sucked out of me. It fascinates me when unloving or negative feelings move through me. I find that it is best for me to BE fully present in these feelings and then practice breathing and visualizing them gently leaving my BEing, my body. As I imagine them lovingly releasing from my body with my breath, I invite LIGHT to enter the spaces I see being emptied. It is helpful for the brain to see the dark parts being filled with light, so it is not left on its own to fill those spaces with whatever random, unloving thoughts it might have in that moment. You can learn more about letting go of unloving stuff in my book THE LITTLE BOOK OF TOOLS. I would LOVE to hear what TOOLS work best for YOU!

Creating the life that we DREAM of living is about INTENTION, FOCUS and ACTION IN ALIGNMENT. It's also about processing "the shit" so we are able to create from a CLEAR space. Where we place our attention is where our energy is directed. If I find my Self focusing on the negative you can bet I will invite the same. We must process through the unloving stuff to see where it comes from first, in order to let it go and move forward. Yesterday, I allowed myself to wallow in the pool of depressed feelings and sadness. I felt them FULLY and then moved out into the world. Hence the delay in sending this newsletter out :)

While I was BEing aware of these feelings I was asking myself where they were coming from, what was the ROOT. As I asked the question, I could see that I was holding onto the feelings I had from some work I was doing with a group of women at the jail. I could see how the experience I had with them in their clearing process mirrored some experiences of mine. My time with the women gave me the opportunity to see some little "nuggets of shit" still floating around inside that were ready for release. So I INTENTIONALLY invited them to leave and envisioned them doing just that! This is the journey of life... Allowing our Self to continuously filter through and come back to the LOVE that we truly are.

If you ever have the feeling like you have "arrived" and that you are now "enlightened" after an experience of clearing or awareness, I encourage you to REMEMBER that we NEVER arrive. Life is not a destination. We continuously become more aware with each experience until we leave this physical body. And even then, we have not arrived. We have simply moved on to the next experience in another form. Do not allow the mind to tell you otherwise. The ego is sneaky that way. Do your best to stay present in the moment and remember that we arrive in each of these moments with new awareness, or not. Both options are correct... All options are correct. The question is, which ones feels most fluid in your body? I recommend going with those :)

So, feel those feelings. Acknowledge those feelings. Welcome those feelings. Then, process the feelings, breathe them out and choose something different!

If you're not sure how to do that... CONNECT with me HERE for your complimentary phone consultation to SEE CLEARLY how we are able to work together in your healing process 408-398-8956.


Jessica Neideffer