Happy February My Loves!

How are You?

As I’m typing this up, I am sitting in my little country cottage in front of the window looking out on the back part of the land. I’m listening to and watching Harry Styles live in concert in Chicago on YouTube. The phone is sitting on the windowsill where I am able to catch a strong signal. I am crying one of those deep, guttural, hard (ugly) cries. This week has been full of crying, dancing alone in my living room, visiting farm animals on my walks with the dog, and clearing the cobwebs from all parts (mental, emotional, physical, energetic) of my BEing.

I just became aware of this lovely soul last year while visiting my friend Cheryl back in San Jose. Cheryl’s kids introduced me to his music. Watermelon Sugar is quite the catchy song and stays on loop a lot in the jukebox in my mind. Lately, I’ve been watching interviews with Harry and can see why he is so loved by his community and the world at large. Recently, I’ve also become aware of Khruangbin, Leon Bridges, and Durand Jones & The Indicators. I forgot how much I LOVE to listen to music and am enjoying these new artists. Dancing and singing are always such a wonderful way for me to let go.

Harry shares his magical channel of compassion, acceptance, and love through music (sound) and his sense of humor. He reminds me of the mythical story of The Hathors. Yes, there is the Egyptian Goddess “Hathor” that is depicted by large statues at the pyramids representing fertility, sexuality and bliss which he seems to be a channel for as well. Then, there are “The Hathors” that are represented in the story of interdimensional beings (told by Tom Kenyon and other channels) that support humans in their evolution through compassion, sound, love and humor. Tom Kenyon is a wonderful sound healing practitioner living up on Magical Orca Island in Washington. I highly recommend watching the documentary about his life and sound healing called Song of the New Earth.

Why do I bring this up, you ask?

Well, since I began my journey into sound healing the story of The Hathors has always resonated with me and the work I do and my purpose here on Earth. Watching the recording of Mr. Styles is making me cry because it is reminding me of what they represent and the powerful channel that I am, that we ALL are. It is reminding me of the fact that most of us are not aware of how to tap into this infinite part of our Soul Self to know our purpose in the first place.

I have been working on connecting in with my higher self (Source, God, Universe) “consciously” for the last 15 years. Recently, I see more and more how the community that we surround our Selfs with is super important for our continued evolution and connection. If you feel depleted around certain people, it is helpful to limit your interactions with them as a form of self-love. It is also helpful to pay attention to the information you are consuming on the regular. Are you aware of the news channels you’re watching or the lyrics in the music you enjoy? Are they filled with loving and uplifting energies and intentions, or not? Where you focus your attention is where your energy goes.

Music (Sound) for example is Universal. It brings nations together. Words are not necessary. Communities from all over the world listen to popular music in different languages and have no idea what it means sometimes. It’s not really about the words, it’s the INTENTION behind the words. The FEELING it gives you when you connect in with the vibration of the information you’re receiving. I love how Harry speaks directly to the people at his shows. I love how he personally shares about his experiences and allows his Self to BE Vulnerable. I love how he encourages others to do so as well. I love his sense of humor and how he doesn’t take himself so serious.

I am crying while watching this concert on YouTube because I can feel the magnitude of JOY and HAPPINESS he brings through his BEing, through his personality, and his feeling Self. I am crying because I am releasing old stories and beliefs that have kept me from creating what I am dreaming. I am crying because I wish to bring the same magnitude of JOY that I feel while listening into my healing practice and the people I am working with every week. I am inspired by looking into this mirror he is holding up for us ALL. I believe we receive messages and encouragement through everything and everyone we encounter in our environment. I am grateful for the reminders that come in all shapes, sizes and forms.

Last month, I shared that I am starting a non-profit called The Adara Community so that I am able to bring sound healing and mindfulness practices to our incarcerated, formerly incarcerated, veterans, at risk youth and service providers. Today, I filed the application and have begun the legal process after a month of research and asking my non-profit friends a lot of questions!

Agada Energy Healing will continue to BE in service to EveryOne and The Adara Community will allow me to share alternative ways of healing with those that are not be able to afford it on their own.

I want to thank each and every one of YOU for your support over the years. I am very excited about this next chapter of life and what it is bringing already!

For those that have responded to these newsletters and reached out, I LOVE hearing your thoughts and am honored that you share with me. You ALL encourage me to continue following my Heart. Thank You.

More offerings to come soon… Stay Tuned!

I Love You,


Jessica NeidefferComment