Grief As Our Guide

Hello My Loves,

How are You feeling with all these Full Moon and Fall Equinox Energies floating around? Oh and don't forget Mercury Retrograde along with 5 other planets!

I am not saying this is a "bad" thing... I am saying there is a lot of energy movement and we are going to be affected by it.

For me personally, I have been dealing with what feels like lifetimes of grief the last few weeks. My dog Moca died on 9/9 after being with me for 9 years. The number 9 represents Full Completion in Numerology. All these 9's tell me that she fulfilled all her missions and was in her purpose completely while she was in this physical existence. This realization also makes it easier for my mind to let her go.

She died two days after my birthday. It was a Beautiful, Surreal and Intense experience. She died in my arms as I was hugging and kissing her. She had a stroke and died instantly and without pain. Moca was a very wise, quirky, old soul. She went out in her own way... I imagine dying in my loved ones arms peacefully one day as well :)

Moca loved to be pet ALL DAY LONG, it was never enough. I miss petting and holding her. I miss her morning cuddles and physical presence. I miss her sassy little attitude. I am grateful that she chose me as her human. She helped me to be the best version of me.

There is a theory that there are 5 stages in the grieving process. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. I did feel some denial at first, but the anger and bargaining did not come into play. I can definitely say that I have been in the energy of depression since she died and now I feel that I am in the process of accepting her death.

I have felt very supported by friends and "strangers" as I process and heal. I have given my Self space and time to be alone with the grief as well. I realize also that Moca's death is an activation of past grief that is being brought to the surface for REVIEW and RELEASE, if I choose. I know the process is part of the life journey. ALL parts of the experience must be accepted or we will continue to create and experience resistance by not allowing EVERY THING to BE ok at some point.

The funny thing about grief is that it never seems to be gone completely. There is always someone dying. There is always the end of a relationship with friends, colleagues and lovers. We are constantly experiencing loss on a moment by moment basis. We lose our hair every day, we trim our nails, we shed our skin, and it all grows again, but we are still experiencing a piece of our physical presence leaving. Loss and Death are inevitable. So why do most humans seem to be so afraid of experiencing them?

I feel like the entire Collective is being asked to reconsider their relationship with loss and death right now. This is not to say that I am ready to die in this moment AND what would be so bad about it?

I would not experience pain, sadness, anger, resentment, grief or loss. I would move on to my next adventure or simply go back into the light, the energy of our source. I would not have to pay bills or deal with people who are hateful and cruel. I would be able to move on from this place called Earth which seems to be quite the "shit show" (at the moment) filled with separation and fear. So again, what would be so bad about dying?

Death will always be a part of the human experience. And we will always be given the opportunity to process the experience and move forward without the perceived heaviness of it. We have a choice to hold onto death, grief and loss forever, or we can allow our Selfs to BE vulnerable and ask for help in the process if it feels too hard sometimes. We are not meant to do any of this alone. And actually, we are NEVER doing any of this alone because we are all ONE from the same Source.

What helps me to continue BEing here are the opportunities to experience LOVE, FORGIVENESS, COMPASSION, VULNERABILITY, INTIMACY, CONNECTION AND REBIRTH every day. I am also able to BE in GRATITUDE for the death, loss, and grief because they help me to appreciate all the abundance in this life. We experience duality here in the physical, but it doesn't mean that it's our TRUTH :)

So if you are currently feeling or know someone experiencing loss please consider how you might be able to support best in the process for your Self and "others"...

Avoid rescuing and fixing
Don't force it
Be Accessible

Consider the following questions and LISTEN:

Do you want me to simply listen while you're sharing?
How may I best support you right now?
Or simply say... I don't have any words. May I hug you?

As always, THANK YOU for reading and connecting with me here. Hug your loved ones a little more today :)

I Love You,


Jessica NeidefferComment