
Hello my Loves!!!

How is Everyone feeling? What is coming up for you this week?

What has been brought to my attention for a couple weeks now is the awareness of how our society seems super addicted to the "sense of entitlement". When I first think of entitlement, I see a spoiled little kid who gets everything they ask for without having to work for it. And if a kid is given what they want every time without having to make an effort, then why would they think they are anything but entitled? On the other hand, there are BEings in the world that have been traumatized and feel they've had everything taken from them and feel entitled to be paid back for the suffering incurred. What I see both parties missing here is an awareness of Gratitude for what is loving in their life. And what I see most of us forgetting for each other is Compassion as we move through the unique experiences of life as a collective.

My awareness of the lack of compassion I practice at times became amplified as I began holding sound healing meditations in the correctional facility here in San Jose a few weeks ago. I feel a strong compassion for the people I am working with there. The first question I ask my Self is, "What trauma has this person experienced to bring them here?". The experience is also reminding me to be more compassionate for the people on the outside who don't seem to have as many challenges (in my mind) as the people who are on the "inside". Being inside of the jail is showing me clearly how most of us on the "outside" are really in a prison inside of our Self. We seem to carry so many limiting beliefs and doubts that keep us from soaring into our highest potentials as Human BEings. What most of us don't realize is that it's simply our brain practicing patterns of what it knows and that we are able to change them with awareness and practice.

I'd like to bring a different awareness to "entitlement" here. I don't believe anyone (no matter what) is entitled to anything. However, I do believe that "worthiness" is something that we ALL are. We are Worth, LOVE. We are ALL Worthy to experience LOVE because we are ALL inherently LOVE. My truth is that we are ALL worthy of the freedom to BE and DO exactly as we choose. I also know that without Clear, Loving Intentions, what we experience is not always what we imagined in our limited minds. Since we are all working with different "levels" of consciousness I am finding that really tapping into Compassion for ALL BEings is super beneficial if we want to BE a new Humanity and create a Loving Environment. Forgiveness might be something for Us to consider practicing as well.

Is it possible for Us as a collective to find some common ground with each person we come into contact with during our day? What does it look like for YOU to practice compassion in an unloving situation? If I find myself in a challenging experience with someone, I allow myself to see the five year old version of that person while I'm interacting with them. As I imagine them as this younger version of their Self, I imagine what I would do for this child in distress. I imagine I would hug them and hold them tight. I would tell the child that everything is ok and listen to what they say about how they're feeling. I imagine how lovely this feeling in my body is as I love on this person in my mind. This may sound a bit silly, or that it won't work, but when we bring our mind and body into that feeling place together we are able to send those good vibes without saying a word. 

You want to change your environment? I suggest you change your attitude (energy) in that moment. Change the dialogue in your head and quiet the screaming voices that live there. This applies to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Corporate, prison, school, out on the street. When we are able to number one, be aware if there is unloving dialogue in our mind, we give our Self the opportunity to change it. I know if I have judgments or criticize another person in my head, that the person on the receiving end is able to feel it. I also know it feels painful in my body. Whether the person is conscious of it doesn't matter, their BEing still feels it on some subtle level. We are ALL empathic, feeling BEings. It is beneficial to check in with the thoughts in our head occasionally to be sure they are matching the words coming out of our mouths. 

Remember, we are ALL fighting a great battle inside at times, or for life times... We are not here to judge anyone or their journey. We are here to uplift each other and BE the most loving person we are able to BE. I realize we will not be successful at this in every moment AND with practice, we are able to make Compassion our new habit. I encourage us ALL to make more time to breathe and consider what another person might be working through and choose to be as loving as possible in the moment. Sending YOU big LOVE on this fine Saturday morning!

And for those of you who feel challenged or believe they don't know how to change their energy... I recommend picking up a copy of my book and begin practicing the tools in it. I also suggest doing nice things for your Self more often and allowing your Self to receive from others as well :)

You can pick up a copy of my book HERE or on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Balboa Press! 

You are also welcome to visit me at my private office in San Jose for more focused, intentional work... I look forward to connecting with YOU!

Jessica Neideffer