Hello Loves,

How are You? How does your heart feel and what is your focus in this moment? The two are always connected and the body is always giving us clues.

As I sit on my porch and plan my move back to Austin this month, I am feeling excited and curious about how it is all unfolding.

Yes. It looks like a big shit show some days.

Yes. I have days where I get caught up in thinking about it all and feel helpless, angry, and frustrated.

And then, I remember that these are all feelings that help guide me deeper into my Self to be aware of any judgments or beliefs within that are keeping me from manifesting what I truly desire. And, as I clear my BEing, I remember the truth of healed and whole. I also remember that control does not exist and if I focus on it, I will not be able to choose the path of least resistance.

There are many guides in life, and they show up in many different forms. Lately, numbers have been speaking to me, so I am following the signs to the messages.

Last month, I talked about the number 3 and how it represented FULL CIRCLE for me.

The other week when I pulled into the county correctional facility to facilitate a sound healing workshop my odometer read 333,333 miles when I parked the car reaffirming the message of completion and full circle. Meaning, whatever patterns I’ve been working on releasing are released and that I am on the path… no matter what the screaming voices in my head might be saying.

You’re not good enough! You’re not smart enough! You don’t fit in! You’re not old enough or mature enough! Etcetera.

If I listened to these voices all the time, I would be miserable, unmotivated, and unable to move forward and be PRESENT in my PURPOSE. Each of us is remembering how to ride the waves back into the uplifting, supportive, and loving energies with each experience.

Then, last week, my odometer spoke to me on two more occasions. It seems so weird where messages come from at times, but I have learned not to question what I feel in the deepest parts of my knowing anymore. Even if people think I’m crazy :)

The next number it showed was 333,777 miles and the trip miles below were at an exact 444. So, I looked up what angel number 374 could represent, and it talked about peace, awakening, and tuning into my intuition. The number also shows up to let us know that our efforts and will towards serving our purpose and life mission is paving the way to abundance. And that all of this ensures that I have built a healthy foundation to manifest from as I move forward.

Then, according to numerology, if you add up 3+7+4 it equals 14 and if you break that down and add up 1+4 it equals 5… another number message to consider.

Angel number 5 represents important life changes are upon me and the changes will bring positive opportunities my way. It refers to making healthy lifestyle choices and reminds me that I am always supported. I am also reminded that I am the only one that truly knows my heart’s desires and the only one that is able to fulfill my destiny.

And then… a couple days later, I happened to notice that the odometer read 333,888 miles and the trip miles below read 555 miles. So, I looked up what the number 385 meant, and it talks about life changes as well and trusting our inner wisdom to guide us and to let go of any fears that may be holding us back. It shares that the changes are in alignment with the purpose and are happening in Divine Right Time. It is also pointing towards increased abundance, personal freedom, and self-esteem.

Now, I don’t live my life by the numbers. I simply work with the guide that they provide when brought to my awareness. Just like the B.I.B.L.E or Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.

The truth is there are many bibles out there and each of us has to find the ones that resonate with our Self in each moment. Only YOU can know what is best for you.

So, I continue to move forward, one step at a time even though it feels hard some days, weeks, months. I acknowledge when I’m in the proverbial shit pool and allow my Self to wallow for a minute or a week. Then, I remind my Self to get out, shower off, and choose something different.

As my non-profit The Adara Collective grows and more people choose to support the mission of healing and second chances for incarcerated communities, I continue to trust that I am doing exactly what I’m supposed to be doing and BEing every step of the way. I believe my soul knew this journey might feel challenging and I also know that the challenge is helping me to grow in ways I do not even see clearly yet.

Thank You to EveryOne that connects with me here and for reading these letters. Thank You for sharing my mission with others and helping Adara to grow and evolve. Thank You for BEing Loving, Supportive, and Uplifting. I am so Grateful for YOU.

Below I have attached some handwritten testimonials from people who are benefiting from the healing work we are doing.

When you donate, you are helping someone’s parent return home with a healthier mind, body, and outlook on life.

When you donate, you are giving kids a chance to have a more loving experience with the adults in their life.

When you donate, you are providing opportunities for families to see another way and support their communities. 

I appreciate your time and connection here. As always, I am available for private 1:1 sessions and in-home groups sessions and events.

I Love You,



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AND... You can still find all the information for PUBLIC GROUP SESSIONS on the Agada Energy Healing website under the commUnity page!

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