Please join us for an hour of Sound, Breath, and Intention. During this session we will connect with our inner warrior and the wounding that we may be carrying around unknowingly. We will set intentions as a collective and allow our Self to see a little deeper into the stories we are telling.
Group and individual sound healing meditations work with intention, breath and sound to encourage the body, mind and energy of a person to consider a more harmonious state. When we work with sound, we are able to connect in a non-verbal way to create a space for reflection and open expression. Some of the benefits of sound healing meditations include a reduction of stress, anxiety and depression. We are able to invite increased focus, creativity, and a different perspective with sound. We are able to allow the body and mind to experience deep rest and relaxation. It is also possible for individuals to release physical pain and discomfort from the body during a session.
Exchange for the session is $25 per person. Please bring your yoga mat, blanket and pillow to make sure you are comfortable for the session. We will also have chairs for people to sit in if you prefer to do so.
Rebalance - Regenerate - Rejuvenate