Hello Lovelies,

How are Y'all feeling this fine day??? I am feeling very high on life and grounded at the same time, currently ❤️

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of revelations and shifting of my perspective through my thoughts and actions. It has been eye opening to witness and feels good to see so clearly!

It all began when I rearranged my home after the big ant invasion... I realized that in order for me to feel excited about creating in my house, it would be beneficial to set up different stations for the things I intend to do... to follow through with the actions in alignment with what I am manifesting. 

My neighbor Vicki, helped me create a standing desk next to my sitting desk on the back wall of my living room. I also set up a recording area on the wall adjacent to it. The microphones are set up and the singing bowls are out and ready to go. All I have to do is hook up my computer to the interface and we're good to go! My seating and treatment area also has my yoga mat and an inversion table set up so that if my body needs some stretching and movement, it's all ready to go... I just hop on and then back to creating!

I realized that having this all set up helped my mind see the activities as fun and not as chores. It was the set up and tear down that was getting me. I am constantly setting up and tearing down equipment, loading and unloading, every week that when I get home it is the last thing I want to do. I also noticed that I had my house set up for people possibly coming to visit and not for my Self! Future trippin' with my surroundings instead of enjoying them in the way that felt best for me. It has been so freeing to allow everything to be exactly as I want it to be all the time... just for me! I felt so much LOVE in me as I sat in the new set up and felt into the new space ❤️

And, in all my rearranging and cleaning, I came across a little journal that I had written in about this time last year. I found an entry that was describing my "new" home. I realized I was sitting in that new home as I read ❤️ It was this time last year that I was feeling isolated and wanting to live in a communal space again. I felt like I wanted to move back to the city and when I want to manifest something, I write down the details to bring the vision into the physical. Of course, one must be a bit general with the details of their vision so that Source is able to deliver something so completely aligned there can be no dispute when it arrives or the awareness is so in your face you can not deny that it is true for You. Source will line up with how we're feeling, our vibration, frequency... not just the pictures in our minds, how we feel playing in the vision before it has manifested physically... THIS... is how we manifest ❤️

I love following... feeling... the synchronicities and listening for the next step!

Synchronicities are what lead me to choose where to apply and present about sound healing. This week, I had the opportunity to present about Sound Healing and Self-Awareness at the TxSOC CRCG Conference after one of the coordinators I work with in the Texas Juvenile Justice Department sent me a link and told me to apply months ago. The 2023 Texas System of Care and Community Resource Coordination Groups Conference is an event for youth, family members, state leaders, child-serving providers, and community leaders. Topics focused on building authentic connections, spotlighting voices with lived experience, and collaborating to improve mental health outcomes.

I had no idea there would be Zoom participants so I was not able to share with them the equipment we would need for the sounds to be heard remotely. One of the Zoom participants commented, "I wish I could have heard the crystal bowls, but I do feel I felt the vibrations somehow." We also had an in-person participant cry at the end because everything that was shared felt so aligned for where she is at in her life at the moment. I love how EveryOne has their own unique experience in these sessions! I also love how we are able to see that INTENTION is really the key when we share anything. When our intentions are clear and we are coming from the heart, people will feel that LOVE moving through us and out to them every time.

And... Speaking of LOVE... on Wednesday, I had the opportunity to share some workshops at a juvenile detention center in Giddings, TX. This day had been in the making since May and I was so excited to finally be there in-person! I got to work with three groups of kids ranging in age from 14-18 years old. It was impressive to connect with these children and to create a space where they were able to relax and and even enter deep rest (sleep) during the session. I was told that the kids that did rest deeply were actually the kids that had the most trouble being still most of the time. I felt so happy that they were able to let go for a bit and they felt safe to do so. Staff and clinicians joined us throughout the day and by the end we were talking about how to offer multiple sessions on a weekly basis for everyone at the facility... including staff ❤️

As I feel into the places that I'm sharing classes and check in with how it's aligning, sometimes I realize the season is over and it's time to move on. This happened with a couple facilities this month and the moment I let go, even though I felt resistance (in my mind), new doors opened. You never know where connections are going to come from as you're creating... and a chance meeting with an off-duty officer at a Harry Styles concert back in November last year happened to send an email the same week I let go of one of the places. Now, there's a new opportunity at the Travis County Correctional Facility to work with multiple groups, including the substance use department to support those moving into sobriety. And thank goodness for the Starlink that I was able to purchase because there's a possibility of offering virtual workshops so we can reach so many more people. I am very excited about this and the huge potential of growth for The Adara Collective! My dreams are coming true the more I LOVE and LET GO and ALLOW everything to BE exactly as it is in each moment ❤️ 

TRUST is what I am feeling more and more and everything seems to simply fall into place in perfect timing the more I allow my Self to TRUST ❤️

I look forward to being in California in a couple of weeks! If you'd like to schedule a private or group session, please connect here to create and customize the experience. Currently, I have a public session at The Dancing Cat in San Jose that is almost sold out, so get your tickets as soon as possible!

And for those in Texas, I will be at the Red Rock Community Center next month on August 20th at 6pm and am always available for virtual and in-person sessions. 

I Love You ALL and look forward to seeing EveryOne soon ❤️





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