Navigating the New Year


Hello Beautiful Souls,

As we enter into this New Year, at the beginning of this new 9 year cycle, we enter into a time of New Beginnings and Radical Change. Last year was a time of Endings and Completion and was an opportunity to truly see ourselves... Shadows and All. It was a time to let go of what is no longer serving us (i.e. anger, resentment, expectations) and see what might be more loving to practice (i.e. acceptance, worthiness, abundance). The year ahead is full of more opportunities to continue awakening to your true passions and purpose, if you choose.

But what do we choose? And are we choosing consciously or carelessly? We show up each day, but are we acting in alignment with our hearts desires? 

And if not, why?

All of Us have dreams. We have ideas and thoughts. We create this physical world and our experiences with them, but if we're not coming from a place of love while creating them we are limiting ourselves from experiencing our highest potentials. When we create from a stable foundation of a loving decision, we create a healthy structure that supports us and provides direction. When I am making decisions these days, I ask myself, "How does this make my heart feel?". If my guts churn or my chest tightens, I know I am making that decision from a place of fear. If I choose to move forward into it, I am doing so without a support system or direction because I am making it from an unclear and unfeeling space. 

When we ask how the heart feels we will always get the truth. We will always be clear because the decision will flow effortlessly. If we are listening to the screaming voices in our head (where the ego lives) we know we are not in the most loving place. We feel through decisions with the heart. Don't get me wrong, the mind is a great tool for solving math equations and driving your car. However, when it comes to living your dreams we must let go of the belief we need to analyse or judge everything to come to a conclusion. Life is simply a series of decisions and experiences. Continue with the ones that resonate and stop practicing the ones that are causing you grief. 

It's not just about "trying" to stay positive. "Trying" is neither "Doing" nor "BEing". It's about looking at yourself and seeing how you are attracting the unloving situation or person. What is your attitude? What is your energy? Are there loving words coming out of your mouth, but in your mind there is a whole other unloving dialogue? Is the dialogue one of the victim or the judge? Where are your thoughts as the words are escaping your mouth? We must all take responsibility for our thoughts, not just actions, because our thoughts are actually what are creating each experience.

I am sharing some links below with information that I find helpful as guides. Remember, they are just guides. Take what resonates and leave the rest for whoever it belongs. As we begin to awaken more as a collective, we will all begin to see more clearly the direction each of us is moving. We are ALL on the same path, just at different paces. And we are ALL going on to another experience after this one. We may be in a different form the next time, but our essence remains.

I've attached a link to my calendar of events for January for those of you interested in our Monthly Group Sound Meditations. I am also available for private sessions at my office for those looking to do some deeper and intuitive work.

Wishing Everyone All the Best in this Already Amazing New Year!

Jessica Neideffer