Benefits of Sound Therapy

Sound is Vibration. When a noise is made it is something vibrating causing the air molecules around it to vibrate. Sound Therapists use these vibrations to bring the body back to its natural resonance. It is the ancient art of sound healing dating back thousands of years and possibly before. Evidence from Egyptian hieroglyphs, Roman healing temples, and the didgeridoo of the Aborigines all prove that sound healing was used and is beneficial. Today, doctors use ultrasound to see a baby in the womb and break up kidney stones so they are easier to pass. So why is sound not trusted and worked with more in a preventative way now?

“While this may all seem a bit abstract at first, its relevance to understanding how harmonics guide the evolutionary process will begin to become clearer after a minute or two. Consider first the fact that spherical stars and planets form out of spiraling clouds of plasma. Then consider that life also grows out of a spiral. We see this in the unfolded Fibonacci spirals of tree branches, the spiral of a chambered nautilus and the spiral of a human embryo. In a very real and physical way, everything emerges out of infinity as a spiral, eventually stabilizing into a harmonic wave or sphere.” (Richard Merrick, Token Rock)

Using crystal sound therapy to raise our vibratory frequencies in our bodies creates an environment where low-vibrating dis-eases can not survive. We can also raise our frequencies by laughing, meditating, dancing, and singing. Any action or thought that makes us feel joyful and content. We eat healthy, organics foods that allow our body to heal and burn clean energy. We limit our intake of sugars and processed goods. We exercise! So many things we can do on a daily basis that we don't think / or make time to do because human beings get caught up in the mind and the laundry list of “things to do”. Since many people are already experiencing some type of dis-ease in their body it is important to find which healing modalities resonate with you for preventing the manifestation of dis-harmony in the body so we don't create dis-ease in the first place.

“Sonocytology is a potentially powerful, diagnostic tool for identifying the sounds of healthy cells versus those of injurious ones. But it introduces an even more exciting prospect: the ability to play the destructive sounds of rogue cells back to them greatly amplified, so that they implode and are destroyed. In this scenario there would be no collateral damage to surrounding cells since healthy cells would not resonate with these frequencies.” (John Stuart and Annaliese Reid, Token Rock)

Crystal Sound Therapy helps us to re-harmonize our bodies on a cellular level. Each one of the trillions of cells in our BEing resonates to a particular sound on the musical scale. When we work with the key of "F", we are working with the cells that live in the chest region or heart chakra area. Meaning, the actual physical cells that live in this area of the body resonate to this key. Their natural frequency is the key of "F". We work with crystal because it is what we're made of mostly... Water. Crystal is petrified water. Sound is vibration. Water and Vibration is what we are physically.

There are many modalities used for healing the body. Working with sound helps us to:

  • Be at peace and have balance & harmony within

  • Accelerate healing processes

  • Reach Deep Meditative States and Heightening consciousness

  • Have better sleep patterns

  • Reduce stress

  • Increase focus, creativity & productivity

  • Acknowledge and release old patterns or behaviors

  • BE aware of our energy / attitude in order to change and evolve

  • Promote our own body’s internal healing system

Anything is possible. Our bodies are FULLY capable of healing themselves, if we only give ourselves a chance. That is... If we are open and act in alignment with our true hearts desires. However, most humans do not act in alignment with the loving thoughts within. Most of us tend to react or look to the external for approval, acceptance and LOVE. Why do we look outside of ourselves when God, Universe, Source lives within each one of us?

Approve of yourself. Accept and LOVE yourself without caring what anyone else thinks or says... What they think is none of your business anyway! So move forward with Grace and Ease in your dreams and continue to DREAM BIGGER!

Jessica Neideffer