Sound Healing and Energy Movement practices support us in creating space for
Clarity, Centeredness and Grounding in our daily experiences.
My Products
The Little Book of Tools,
in-Print Book
Digital Album
The Little Book of Tools,
Online Course
Energy & Chakra Clearing,
Online Course
New Client Session
In-Person or Virtual
Package of 8 Sessions
Private Events & Corporate
Team Building
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Reclaim Your Power
6 month course

Āgada (अगद) - Meaning “Free of dis-EASE” in Sanskrit is the state we achieve when we let go of unsupportive energy (thoughts) to heal from within and remember we are made perfectly. Healed and Whole.
Sound Healing and Reiki Energy Work support us in BEing aware of unconscious thoughts and patterns that limit us from achieving our goals and creating what we desire in this Life.
These TOOLS support us in:
Releasing disease, trauma and emotional pain from the body
Addressing underlying issues of chronic illness
Reducing stress and anxiety + increasing vitality, health & immunity
Facilitating and creating a place for healing to occur
Releasing self doubt, fear and judgement
Cultivating a clear vision and a new way to move forward
Would you like to know more about Jessica and her practice??? Check out this article written about her in MysticMag!
Thank You for BEing curious and connecting with Us!
An ancient technique from Japan that harnesses the healing wisdom of the body to restore physical and emotional well-being.
The incredible healing power of sound, as the vibrations move through the body, create a meditative space to clear and realign with the Self.
Intention is the alchemist for any kind of change you wish to create. It is what we infuse with sound to create a space of deep rest for healing.
Unconditional Love and Acceptance are the foundation for ALL Human BEings to remember that they are Healed and Whole.

We Are Energy
Our physical bodies (matter), are energy. Einstein's theory of E=mc2 proves this... As energetic beings, we can carry the energy of a trauma within our cellular make up. Over time, the energy of stress has been proven to cause physical symptoms of disEase in the body. Sound is able to help us BE aware of the root of these patterns (emotions) by creating a space in the mind to see clearly what we are holding onto that no longer serves us. By creating a safe, quiet space to let go, we allow ourselves to rest, rejuvenate and heal our bodies.
My Book
“The Little Book of Tools”
The Little Book of Tools is intended to provide simple ways of shifting our attitude (energy) and thoughts during our daily interactions with others and our Self into a more loving, calm, centered space. As you practice the exercises in the book, you will notice not only a difference in how your physical body feels, you will notice a change in your relationships and environment. The tools are easy to use and if practiced impeccably, they work! Are you ready to invite more loving experiences into your life? Are you ready to let go of the limiting beliefs that are holding you back? If you're ready, then this book is for You!
Love from my Clients
“Jessica has a dynamic and unique gift for getting to the heart of what is going on energetically in your life and releasing what no longer serves you. Being able to do the work with her, each session feels empowering, and she gives you the tools to radically change your life. ”
“Finding ways to sort through the noise of the outside world, and even more so, the noise inside our heads can be so very difficult. Jessica has an amazing way of bringing these things into focus through knowledge, experience, and a talent for understanding how to get through to each individual.”
“I have never felt so comfortable being uncomfortable in my life. She creates such a safe space for me to open up and reveal the things that I don’t want anyone to see (limiting beliefs etc). I felt safe, loved, and empowered.”
“Working with Jessica of Agada Energy Healing has given me new tools to overcome mental and emotional patterns/blockages that have led to stress, anxiety and burnout. ”