Hey Loves,

How have the first couple weeks of our New Astrological Year started off for you? We've moved into the first zodiac sign of Aries, passed through the New Moon, and now Jupiter, Pluto, and Chiron are moving into new places affecting our atmosphere as well. I like to follow Soul Shine Astrology and Moon Omens for a deeper look into how we might be affected when things are shifting and especially when I'm feeling something intensely.

Whether you believe in astrology or the movement of the planets affecting us, or not, think of it this way... The Earth is about 70% covered in water and our bodies are about 70% water too... isn't that interesting... And, when we have a Full Moon it changes the tides... And, ask any hospital worker, police officer, or fire fighter about the extra chaos that seems to happen on a Full Moon you might see how we are all affected in some way by the energy movement and placement of the pieces of our Universe. 

We are also able to correlate the shifting of our own energy, attitude, or perspective to the amount of ease with which we experience human life, or not. We might notice that as we let go of the thinking, analytical mind that we tend to stop getting wrapped up in the drama of the screaming voices in our head that are telling crazy stories about how we're not good enough or don't have enough time. When we begin to be curious about how we're feeling more and why, that's when we are able to start tapping into that beautiful HEART space to receive Divine guidance from our Source, Higher Self, God, Universe... whatever that inner voice/compass is for you. The more you sit and listen, the more clear and easily information will flow to you as you FEEL more and think less.


When we FEEL more into the sensations of our bodies and the clues it is giving us as to whether we're in a loving state of BEing, or not (i.e. tense, tight, closed or fluid, loose, open) we begin to receive WHOLLY what the Universe has for Us because our channel is clear and focused in the manifestation of what our heart desires and not the voices in our head. 

Let me give you a prime example... I put the message out to the Universe that I wanted a "new to me" car because my '97 Toyota Avalon was no longer willing to drive long distances. Short commutes felt ok, but anything longer than two hours did not. 

Before the recent awareness that the time was coming for the new car to arrive, I had been imagining for years a minivan being donated to my non-profit The Adara Collective (before I knew I would start my own non-profit). I started to dream about driving around the United States sharing sound healing in different prison facilities and for the public in the towns I would visit. I could see it was a minivan that had seats that folded down into the floor so I could put an inflatable air mattress in the back to sleep on if I decided to camp along the way or sleep in a Walmart parking lot for some adventures outside of work. I have always loved road trips and they always seem to be quite cathartic for me. I also LOVE sharing SOUND HEALING in new places with new people!

I reached out to my friend Manny who got me into my first prison out here in Texas in 2021. I was asking him about a possible sponsorship through his family restaurant and to set up a meeting with his mom (not thinking about a car donation). As the conversation continued, he asked if there was any other way he could help me out and my response was whatever feels best for you to give is welcome. I then shared about requesting a car donation for the non-profit and he offered to donate one of his older vehicles. This older vehicle is a 2012 Honda CRV... that has seats that fold all the way down to create space for sleeping. It is a smaller version of the vision I had in my mind. I am always in AWE when the gifts of the Universe arrive! You simply never know where abundance will flow from until you let go of "the need to know" and be ok with what is... It was also cool that I was able to support him by watching his dog and house for two weeks while he attended and worked a Vipassana retreat. Giving and Receiving go hand-in-hand and the more we give (even in small amounts or in trade) the more we allow our Self to receive.

Now that I had a more reliable car to get me where I wanted to go, I placed an ad on Facebook Market Place to sell my car. My neighbor who is an auto parts delivery guy told me to list it at $2500 "as is" and not put any more money into it. I placed the ad and received a handful of people interested. I priced the car at $2500 with the intention of having room to make a deal. I had people offer less than I was willing to settle for and one that offered $2000. I felt like that might be ok, but still had a feeling to wait a bit longer for something else.

A month went by... I ended up making a trip to the hospital for a week due to a small intestinal flare and my "routine" got disturbed, which was beneficial because it was time to change. There were some behaviors and patterns that were up for review and release and I had been ignoring them... hence the detour and forced rest. We are always receiving messages, the issue with most of us is that we're not listening or following through.

I returned home and began the physical healing process. I made an appointment with a new chiropractor, I had a massage and cupping done, and reflexology. I also began taking some new supplements to support my body with digestion and absorption of nutrients... these were all the things I kept putting off doing for months, but am feeling so much better now :)

As I got back to work and connecting with new people and creating new partnerships... I went to visit my friend Angela to speak with her about her new wellness coop and sharing classes in the space in Lockhart. I left her house feeling excited and dreaming of all the possibilities! As I was driving to drop off the dog with the sitter to go to the jail, I started to spiral, getting all in my head about my car not selling yet and the voices up there were getting really loud about it. I was caught up in LACK and what "I NEEDED"  and was going into that energy of settling and not enough. So, I slowed down my brain and asked myself... Hey Body... What feels right to receive for the car? 

In this moment, I felt into the $2000 and felt it to be acceptable for me. I also heard my inner voice say... What I really want is for someone to buy this car that loves it as much as I do. 

As I was feeling all of these thoughts, the light on the highway turned red and I stopped. A big dump truck had pulled over on the right shoulder and the person driving started honking their horn. I looked over and they were pointing at my FOR SALE sign and asking me to pull over and show them the car. When I got out of the car, the man began telling me how much he LOVED Toyota Avalons and that he had had three of them previously. I popped the hood he checked the engine and looked at the inside. He told me that I had to sell this car to him and that he loved the car so much. I mean really... You can't make this shit up! He offered me $1800, I countered with $2000 and he agreed. He asked me if I could drop the car off at this house the next day, which happened to be the day I would begin dog sitting at my friend Manny's house where my new car was waiting for me. It also happened to be only 4 miles from where this man lived. I drove the car to his house that Friday and the kind man drove me back to Manny's. 


Since accepting the car and staying at Manny's house... which also allowed me to have high speed internet for some important meetings that happened while I was there... I have started new classes at Kyle Correctional Facility, Elgin High School, and a juvenile halfway house run by TJJD in San Antonio in April. The meetings I had were very opening and I began to feel a different level of confidence as I was presenting and reaching into new sources. We're also working on some virtual options for those coming through re-entry!

In addition, my new friends Angela & Ethan are opening their new Wellness Coop and Apothecary in Lockhart on April 1st and I will begin offering group sessions with the community there too! The building just happens to be across the street from the women's prison that I share classes with on Monday nights as well. I feel the movement and the flow and I am very excited for what we have created already! 


Check out the new podcast on my YouTube Channel called PEACEFUL PRISON MOVEMENT where we create space for formerly incarcerated folks to share their stories and about the challenges inside and outside of incarceration. Please subscribe to my channel to receive updates and help us gain more exposure!


Stay tuned for more details on our first in-person FUNDRAISING EVENT happening in BOERNE, TEXAS on April 30th!!!

As always... THANK YOU for BEing You and for ALL your LOVE and SUPPORT! I appreciate YOU connecting here and sharing your energy with me!



Agada Energy Healing & The Adara Collective 501c3

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AND... You can still find all the information for PUBLIC GROUP SESSIONS on the Agada Energy Healing website under the commUnity page!