Hello my Loves!!!

Happy March 3rd! The date is written as 3.3.22 which represent master numbers in the spiritual world and numerology. And really... they're just numbers that we put this intention into. The same concept applies to crystals and other talismans, they don't do shit unless we put our intention into them. Today is also considered as an opening of a powerful portal supporting our intuition and opening up more to our authentic Selfs and our purpose. So, if that all resonates with you, Awesome! I imagine you've got some lovely openings and support from the other realms coming through for you! Are you listening?

AND... Even if all of this is unproveable and sounds ridiculous... What if you chose to believe it or something uplifting like it and place your focus on the wonderful gifts that today could bring?

The last 15 years have been the conscious part of my awakening to the power of intention and the unseen energy and possibilities surrounding us. As one becomes aware of this energy field that we play in, we start to understand that it responds to frequency (how we're feeling), and not necessarily what we're saying or asking for verbally. There is prayer, which is the asking and then there is meditation, which I see as the space where we allow it to manifest. We sit in the vision. We feel into the vision. And then, we allow it to appear. And usually, it does not appear as we imagined. Sometimes, most times in my experience, it is even better than I could have imagined.

ALLOW is the key word here.

If we are "trying" to "make" something happen we are swimming in the energy of force and manipulation. These states of BEing actually keep what we are dreaming of at a distance. Humans are wonderful at imagining their dreams, sometimes we have a hard time trusting the Universe, Source, God, our Higher Self to bring it to us.

These last couple of months, or let's say the last 46 years of my life, I have noticed my Self practicing a pattern of trying to make things happen whether they feel right (or not) because of the picture in my head. I feel like a lot of us get stuck in this picture in our limited mind of what we "think" we "should" experience or what we "think" would make us happy. When at the end of the day, we still haven't checked in with how it actually feels in our body to be in that picture in our head. I also find that we are telling some big stories that don't always align with what our heart truly desires because the physical experience we're in may feel very comfortable and we are afraid to venture outside of it because it's what we know. And really, this is simply the brain and ego doing it's job of protecting us and making sure we follow the patterns because that will keep us safe. Part of the awakening process is to become aware of these patterns and consciously begin to change them.

As most of you know, I am in the process of starting a non-profit to support the work that I'm doing in the jails, with veterans and at risk youth. During this process I have had many opportunities to ask for help, reach out to other organizations doing similar work and ask friends and colleagues about their practices to gain sight of what my next best course of action would be. I have also had opportunities to ask different people and facilities about offering my services within their space. Rejection, or what we perceive as being rejected, is simply us taking things personal. And, when we take things personal we become emotional and tend to lose sight of our goals.

Over the years of running my own business I have worked with the concept of The Four Agreements in the book by Don Miguel Ruiz.

The agreements are: Be Impeccable with your word. Don't take anything personal. Never assume and Always do your Best.

And really, if you truly live by these principles, no one and no thing can mess with you.

Recently, I have adopted a new mantra on the occasion that I find my Self feeling rejected or not good enough when it comes to getting what I "think" I "should" be getting or being a part of a community that I believe in my mind would make me "better" or make what I am creating "enough". The mantra is the title of this newsletter :)


We don't need to hustle or try to make things happen. If something doesn't work out, move on, there are soooooo many more possibilities waiting for you out there! We are here to PLAY in the field of energy that we are a part of and come from. If a person finds their Self "struggling" or feeling "bad" because they didn't get the answer they wanted or didn't receive an answer at all, then they might just want to look elsewhere. No answer, is an answer. AND "no" doesn't mean anything at all. It simply means "no" or maybe "not right now" because the energy is not aligned. Maybe it never will be and that's ok too :)

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who likes you or thinks you're good enough or accepts you into their group. At the end of the day, it's none of your fucking business what anybody thinks or says about you. What matters is how you CHOOSE to feel about your Self and continue to move forward in what feels best for you without judgment. When you choose to stay small, you reject your own BEing and stop the flow of the Universal energy bringing the gifts you seek.

This experience of hustling and trying to make things happen along with putting to much focus on what others think has been the best opportunity for me to remember to LET GO and ALLOW my Self to BE STILL and LISTEN and ALIGN with what feels best to DO or BE next. The mantra I've been sharing with my Self has been so helpful to reset my mind, body and focus as well.

Remember, it's not rejection. It's simply not aligned. Check in with how your heart is feeling with the thoughts in your mind and RE-ALIGN if you find that the thoughts are not very loving.

And if you'd like some help in resetting your mind and nervous system... check out my YouTube Channel for new videos and meditations to rest and reset!

And if you could PLEASE SUBSCRIBE to my channel to help me grow my presence, I will BE forever GRATEFUL :)


I Love You,


P.S. See information below for ways of connecting VIRTUALLY and IN-PERSON!

P.P.S. Want a FREE Sound Healing with Guided Meditation to listen to??? CLICK HERE